M Group Services delivers a range of essential infrastructure services within the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors across the UK and Ireland.

Supporting the infrastructure of everyday life, without costing the earth

ESG drivers influence our sector and our clients, so we innovate to help address their challenges, enabling essential everyday life in a sustainable way.


We are proud to publish our latest ESG Report (download here) and outline how we are making progress towards our targets of achieving a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 across the Group.

We believe that this document offers a balanced and accurate reflection of some of the activities across the Group and their impact. It was evident while compiling this report that we are becoming very much more than the sum of our parts and there is a real and genuine appetite among our people to make a positive impact on the environment and communities in which we work.

We are proud of the work we do for our clients and society at large and are delighted when this pride and performance is recognised with accolades like our industry awards and ESG rating score.

M Group Services will continue to drive down the environmental cost of our operations while ensuring our service proposition remains commercially and technically competitive. As our business expands and thrives, we will enable growth without forgetting what we value. Our culture will ensure we will remain an ethical and responsible organisation, committed to inclusivity and respect for all, underpinned by a strong sense of doing the right thing while delivering what we promise.

We strive to consistently report on and evaluate our progress and while we are pleased with the progress that we continue to make across our operations, we will continue to identify opportunities to evolve and improve across all aspects of our ESG activity.

We hope you enjoy reading the report.