At M Group Services, we see social value as an opportunity to improve the equality and wellbeing of our people and the communities we work in across the UK. We strongly align with the Government’s Social Value Act 2012 which encourages businesses to consider their economic, environmental and social impact.

One example of where we choose to support social value is by purchasing office supplies through Commercial. Founded in 1991, Commercial is a business services group that originally specialised in stationery. This partnership has resulted in us generating an astonishing £806,973 in social value between January and October 2022.

Buying these essentials through Commercial means that every £1 spent generates £1.85 in social value, helping us make a positive difference. We also support the Commercial Foundation, founded in 2015, by purchasing various bespoke printed products through them. For purchases that go through their digital print facility every £1 spent generates £5.07 of social value.

The Commercial Foundation is a social enterprise that aims to give young people, between the ages of 16-25 who have previously experienced barriers to work or education, a second chance.

They created an eight-week #NoLimits programme which offers young people the opportunity to develop their self-esteem, gain practical skills and work experience. Offering a combination of work experience and education, the #NoLimits programme prepares interns for their next steps whether they are in further education or work.

We are proud our decision to choose a social enterprise business is helping young people.

Across the Group, our commitment is shown through offering our different trainee, apprenticeship and graduate roles to all people no matter their background.

Our award-winning Apprenticeship Development Scheme (ADS), launched in 2019, is continuing to inspire and develop our talent of the future. Our aim is to continue to provide a programme that supports the personal and professional development of young people.