M Group Services, a leading provider of services to essential infrastructure services in the UK and Ireland, came together to celebrate its people at the Beyond Expectations 2023 ceremony.

An opportunity to recognise the people and teams that have delivered exceptional performance and results across M Group Services and its operating businesses over the past year, the event took place at the IET London: Savoy Place on Wednesday 8 November.

The ceremony, hosted by Andrew Findlay, Chief Executive of M Group Services, saw people recognised across 13 awards, from the ‘Community Hero Award’ to ‘Championing Innovation in the Workplace.’ The awards reflect the Group’s four values: People, Safety, Delivery and Integrity.

Andrew Findlay said: “Our people are at the heart of all we deliver for our clients. To hear some of the phenomenal service delivery, commitment to safety, the environment and local communities and acts of great courage by our people and teams was a truly inspiring experience.

“Congratulations to everyone nominated and recognised in this year’s awards.”

M Group Services is committed to engaging and empowering its people to deliver and grow which is key to achieving its ambitions as a business.

Congratulations to all the winners, runners-up and highly commended people and teams. This year’s winners are:



Leader of the Year recognises someone who sets an outstanding example to others, encouraging, inspiring and guiding others to perform at their best.

  • Winner: Simon Woodford, Business Director at Milestone Infrastructure, Street Lighting Sector.
  • Runner up: Gemma Layton, Head of Customer Experience at Morrison Water Services.

The Team of the Year always strives to deliver more for their colleagues, their clients, and their customers, finding new ways of working which continuously explore how things can be done better.

  • Winner: Oxfordshire Highways, Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Croydon & Lewisham Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Street Lighting Team, Milestone Infrastructure.

The Contribution to Inclusive Workplaces Award highlights an initiative or individual who has gone above and beyond to create opportunities to ensure workplace inclusivity.

  • Winner: Oxfordshire Highways Graduate and Trainee Forum, Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Justine Treanor, Executive PA, Gas Leadership Team at Morrison Energy Services.

The Rising Star Award recognises someone who has consistently demonstrated impressive career progression.

  • Winner: Luke Guy, Head of Operations at Z-Tech.
  • Highly Commended: Danny Firth, Highways Treatments and Cyclic Activities Manager, Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Macy Richards, Trainee Civil Engineer at Milestone Infrastructure.



The Safe Individual Award celebrates someone who sets a consistently excellent example through their safe behaviour and work.

  • Winner: Mick Parker, Engineering Supervisor, PMP Utilities.
  • Runner up: Matthew Howard, Revenue Protection Officer, Seeka.

The Safe Team Award recognises consistently excellent team examples of safety, ensuring everyone is respected and cared for.

  • Winners: Terry Perry, Contract Director, Nicholas Harmer, Health & Safety Coordinator, Leigh Treanor, Pre- Construction Manager, Danny Trott, Senior Programme Manager, Tony Liberty, and Carl Williams at Morrison Energy Services.
  • Runners up: Mark Dixon, SHEQ Manager, Leanne Sheff, Telematics Manager, Kevan Parker, Senior Programme Manager and Tom Bates, Data Analyst at M Group Services Plant & Fleet Solutions.

The importance of reinforcing company or team wellbeing initiatives and seeking to enhance the good health and wellbeing of our people is highlighted with the Health and Wellbeing Champion Award.

  • Winner: Jon Branston, Construction Manager at Morrison Water Services.
  • Highly Commended: Darren Lodge, Highways Supervisor, Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Candice Quayle, Documentation Manager, Dyer & Butler.



The Individual Delivery Award is for an individual who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to support the needs of the businesses’ clients, delivering great results in a sustainable way.

  • Winners: Nick Harper, Head of Consumer Operations, Martin Natella, Senior Optimisation & Performance Manager, Simon Clark, Senior Support Services Manager, James Scott, Team Manager, Geraint Davies, Pre-Enablement Delivery Manager and Tony Sandell, Delivery Manager at Avonline- VM02 Morpheus.
  • Runner up: Peterborough Highways Services- Milestone Infrastructure.

The Championing Innovation in the Workplace Award celebrates an individual who has shown significant dedication to introducing and developing innovation within the business.

  • Winner: Lewis Robinson, Contracts Manager at Dyer & Butler.
  • Highly Commended: Robbie Jones, Contracts Manager at Dyer & Butler.
  • Runner up: Chris Hart, Senior Planner, Milestone Infrastructure.

The Collaborative Working Award recognises someone who has gone above and beyond to work closely with colleagues, and others, to deliver great results.

  • Winner: Redbridge Viaduct Team - Milestone Infrastructure, Hampshire County Council, Atkins and Supply Chain.
  • Runner up: Jack Renyolds, Asset Planning and Efficiency Analysis, Milestone Infrastructure, Street Lighting Sector.



The Community Leader Award goes to an individual who has demonstrated great care in supporting the local communities in which they work.

  • Winner: Kate Law, Office Manager at Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Paul Remblance, Assistant Engineer- Asset Team at Engineering Solutions, Milestone Infrastructure.

The importance of working in a sustainable and responsible manner is highlighted with the Environment Sustainability Award.

  • Winner: Surrey PFI Street Lighting Contract, Milestone Infrastructure.
  • Runner up: Hampshire Highways Cyclical Team, Milestone Infrastructure.

The Community Hero Award is for individuals or teams who have shown exceptional commitment to the community and/or the environment, whether at work or in their own time.

  • Winners: Matt Stevenson, Site Manager at Morrison Water Services and Simon Wright, Rick Lister, and George Salmon from subcontractor, Watertech.
  • Highly Commended: Nick Buffin, Field Performance Coach, Jack Gilberthorpe, Dual Fuel Engineer, Liam Meads, Field Performance Coach and Meter Worker’s/Installer’s Tony Ellis, Harry Steele, Ryan Conway, Andrew Middleton, Milo Davis, Muhammed Rahmann, Ganna Fall, Carl Ahiaku, Gareth Bennett, Richard Scott and Shane Collins at Morrison Data Services- Installation Services.
  • Runner up: Jack Gibbins, Supervisor at Milestone Infrastructure / Hampshire Highways.