This week (14-20 November) is Road Safety Week organised by Brake, the road safety charity.

So far this week, we have been highlighting some of the procedures M Group Services has in place to protect our people and other road users. We are committed to putting the health, wellbeing and safety of people first and behaving in the most sustainable way to benefit individuals and the environment.

In our latest ESG Report, covering April 21-March 22, we highlight how M Group Services was able to reduce its carbon intensity by 3.9% compared to the previous year. Encouraging people to think about their driving habits means we can continue to reduce our carbon intensity and help make roads and communities safer for all. Often it is as simple as reducing harsh acceleration and braking as well as anticipating traffic flow early.

M Group Services Plant & Fleet Solutions (MGSPFS) has started implementing Samsara’s system across our fleet of vehicles.

The system offers many benefits to the Group as well as our people and other road users. If a road traffic incident has occurred, the system alerts our transport logistic controllers and transport managers immediately and we are able to understand exactly what has happened. This means we can act instantly.

Samsara allows us to identify potential risks and hazards as it only starts recording when significant events, such as distracted driving or harsh braking, are detected.

Installing this system allows us to reinforce a responsible driver culture and maintain our high health and safety standards.

Road Safety Week is encouraging people to slow down and save lives and this also has a positive impact on the environment. By slowing down we can reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions.